Wednesday, August 8, 2012

My Philosophy as a Doula

We provide constant physical and emotional support to women in labor. We are coaches, physical trainers, teachers, massage therapists, medical advocates, best friends, and moms.  Our ideal birth is the birth you want, in a place where you and your baby are safe, supported, and respected.

I believe in pregnancy and childbirth as a natural process. I trust that women's body's were designed with the specific intention of giving birth, among a multitude of other amazing abilities. Of course not every woman decides she wants to have a baby or can, but every woman is born with the inherant nature of connecting with their bodies and the ability to believe in their own inner power.

Becoming a mother, and specifically, birthing a child is one of many, and in my opinion, the most amazing rite of passages for a woman.  I believe that when given ALL the information, women naturally choose what is healthiest for themselves and their babies. That is different for different women, so I realize that can be interpretted in many ways. My take away here is, because of the importance of carrying a child and bringing him/her into the world, great care should be taken, women and those who support women who choose to have a baby should make time to educate themselves, and should prepare as best as they can for the journey they are partaking in. The 9 months we are gifted prior to meeting our babies are exactly what is needed to welcome the joys and prepare for the challenges of childbirth and becoming a parent. This process is what we put into it.

My goal is to help mothers realize their potential, to honor their choice, and to respect their ability to connect with and trust their bodies, by providing constant loving support before, during, and after the birth of their children. My connection to the families I work with and the gratitude I have for letting me in is never ending.

Kind Birth
~Melissa Tuton

I can, therefore I am. ~Simone Weil

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